What My Clients Say

I always had a guilt in myself for something very personal and I couldn’t share it with anyone. I was lucky to meet Adil who showed me the right paths and clense all my guilt in 5 sessions as I was really in a bad state! 

Emma Stacey

I always wanted kids and have been trying for years! But, somewhere I lost hope and Shayk read my hand and saw family lines on my hand assured me that one day, I’ll have kids! I was blessed with a baby girl and thinking positive was something I was lacking! Thanks to him!

Sara Hill

I always wanted to connect with my inner self but lacked the skills to do so! Now, my meditation is on the highest level and I feel so blessed and happy, thanks to him with providing me with that confidence and skills to do so!

Jonathan Mayer

My first session in Palmistry was exciting…it was an eye-opener for me to learn that so much of my life’s history …it’s patterns and existential behaviour lies printed like my life’s graphic picture.  It reveals the positives that somewhat you never know and gives you optimist feelings and raring up your emotions….he slowly reveals bit by bit till you fully understand how you can have a pure understanding of your life journey….after my reading he follows with a meditation to calm yourself and regulates the breathing …as relaxed he starts cleaning energy centres pulling and clearing any blockages of dirty energies leaving you to feel energised. I felt lighter and brighter in my body and mind.  I will definitely carry on till my treatment gives me the clear. Thank you so much

David Brisball

You were an amazing person whom I met I must start my statement, to begin with, you were precise and that gave me clarity and sense of direction in life which I was missing out. I actually felt that I met the right person after ages. I’m grateful for your time and patience.

Hanna Tompson

The connection was automatic, I could sense his energy and care. The palm reading was a great way of understanding patterns and I took his comments very seriously because I felt it was right, however, the best part was the healing, even if you are not able to fully open up on the first time It was clear to me where I had blocks and why transcendent and transporting. I must also add, I felt an energy release that was draining and replenishing at the same time

Mark Haize

Shayk lifted me out from a dark phase of depression where I have been stuck for the past 3 years! I used to hate getting out of my bed and felt isolated! Now, I am travelling around the world! Thank you so much.

Michelle Landon


I was an adopted child and always felt left out and struggled with self-confidence! Thanks to Shayk, I feel loved in the society and have also progressed in my career with all the confidence I gained through meditation and healing sessions!

Lora Brighton


I had a troubled childhood and never got settled in my life! I lost focus on both my personal and professional ends but after a few sessions with Shayk, I was able to connect with my inner self on a subconscious level and got cleansed. Now I feel relieved and back on my feet!  Thanks to him!

Jonathan Mayer


In Tune With The Universe
